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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Защо се обръщаме към по-фините и езотерични инструменти?

Когато хората се чувстват несигурни в дадена област от живота си, например работа, любов, бъдещето като цяло, след гледане вече имат представа, какво може да се случи и съответно това им дава някакъв вид спокойствие.

Да осъзнаем, какво точно се случва и дали съвпада с нашите възприятия, ни помага да се почувстваме способни да действаме, да открием, кое наистина е ценно за нас, да вярваме в усещанията си.

Причината да търсим гледания през карти Таро и други инструменти, е получаването на моментна снимка на енергията на дадена ситуация, за да придобием представа за нея и следователно да сме в състояние да вземем по-мъдри решения.

Колкото по-дълбоко е нашето разбиране за тази енергия, за Таро и за нас самите, толкова повече прозрения можем да извлечем.

В зависимост от потока на енергията в дадена ситуация, резултатът може или не може да се осъществи. 
Възможността да преценим накъде се насочва енергията поне ще изясни какво се случва и по този начин ще ни даде възможност да изберем дали да подкрепим енергийния поток или да се опитаме да го пренасочим.


Friday, March 12, 2021

Joe Rogan Experience #1309​ - Naval Ravikant

Изключително интересно! =)   

Nicola Di Marco - извадил е някои интересни моменти:

- Celebrities are the most miserable people in the World 
- You’re not your public image 
- Rich and anonymous > poor and famous 
- Play and don’t overload your brain with too much information 
- You want to work as an athlete, a mental athlete 
- We’re not meant to work 9 to 5 
- Own a business 
- Work for yourself 
- If someone can tell you when to work and what to wear you’re not free 
- Maybe these gigs will include also the high-quality work 
- Electricity did to the work landscape what automation is doing today 
- It’s impossible predicting what job is going to be created 
- Universal basic income would bankrupt a country 
- UBI doesn’t provide meaning to people 
- UBI doesn’t take into account specific needs 
- We should provide basic services instead 
- You should educate yourself all your life 
- Generalized AI is not coming in our lifetime 
- We don’t even understand what really happens inside a cell, let alone the brain 
- Intelligence is relevant only in its surrounding environment 
- Equal opportunities > equal outcomes 
- We all want to be socialist but with the head, we think capitalism 
- White-collar vs blue-collar is the real battle going on 
- Everyone can broadcast anything at any time 
- It’s also easy to set a mob and take someone out online 
- Outraged people are the stupidest people on social media 
- We have also anti-mob tactics 
- News has become commoditized, they’re not propaganda 
- We will create decentralized media that cannot be suppressed 
- Nowadays nobody has the privilege not to have political opinions 
- Some technology is neutral, some are political 
- Science is hard for people and often facts are not enough to make up their minds 
- There’s no room for nuances, people are very polarised 

- We live in a dictatorship of 51% so all your believes have to fit in one of the two sides. This doesn’t make you a clear thinker. 

- Being alone and enjoying it is a superpower aka the art of doing nothing 
- Meditation is self-therapy 
- Peace is happiness at rest, happiness is peace in motion 
- Peace is not about external problems but about giving up on the idea of problems itself 
- It’s easier to change yourself than to change the world 
- People are not going to giving up economic growth 

- Being forced to articulate thoughts helps to understand them more than simply sit in a room and think about them 
- Understanding the basics of reasoning is better than memorizing advanced concepts 

- When you’re memorizing it’s an indication that you don’t’ understand.
- You should be able to derive anything on the spot and if you can’t, you don’t know it.

- A good book you can read one page at night and then spend the rest of the night reasoning about it 
- The meaning of life is a “why” questions and it’s endless 
- You end up with Agrippa's trilemma where you have only the following 3 dead ends 
- 1 Infinite regress - 2 Circular reasoning - 3 Axiom 
- The only answer is “because” meaning that we need to make up our own answer for the meaning of life 
- All the great questions are paradoxes 
- Thinking about them gives you insights that bring you a certain level of peace 
- Everyone can be rich 
- Imagine if tomorrow everybody was trained in software and engineering. We would create all the animation necessary not to work anymore and just focus on creativity. 

- Richness is about education 
- The universe has infinite resources 
- Lack of material possession can make you unhappy but material possession won’t make you happy 
- If you are smart you should be able to figure out how to be happy 
- Busy minds, called also monkey minds are not peaceful 

- You have to develop peace FROM mind not peace OF mind 
- There’s a fundamental delusion about thinking that there’s something external to us that can bring us peace and happiness 
- Once you solve your money problem you stop sacrificing something today with the idea you’re gonna get something in return tomorrow 
- Do something you love, do a lot of money or live like a monk so money will stop to be an issue 

- Focus on being authentic, unique, creative and not replaceable 
- There are 2 great depictions: heroine and a monthly salary 
- You have to ignore your peers 
- “That’s easy for you to say” and “keeping up with the Jones” is a big trap 
- Stop thinking it’s someone else’s fault 
- If you judge others you’re gonna separate yourself, feel lonely and negative 
- Reality is neutral and how you interpret it is your choice alone 
- Life is short, you’re gonna die, choose to be happy 
- Confucious: a man has 2 life, the second one is when you realize you only have one 

- Desire is suffering. Choose wisely. Choose one desire at a time 
- Force yourself to be positive until it becomes automatic 
- Smile more, hug more, get sunlight, spend time in nature, meditate 
- Trying to sound smart is a disease 

- Good question about it: “Would I be still interested in this thing if I couldn’t tell anyone?” 
- If you are successful you’re gonna be inundated by inbound opportunities that you cannot manage and it’s harder to pick up something you by yourself 

- You’re never gonna make more money than you think you’re worth 
- Pick an aspiration hourly rate and be extremely jealous of your time 
- This will help you define the cost of things like meetings or business travels 
- Embrace what you’re doing at the moment 
- Do art, creativity, love. Do things for their own sake 
- Work should feel like play to you so no-one can compete with you

Naval - You’re not going to get rich renting out your time.

 You must own equity - a piece of a business - to gain your financial freedom.

You will get rich by giving society what it wants but does not yet know how to get. At scale.

The Internet has massively broadened the possible space of careers. Most people haven't figured this out yet.

Arm yourself with specific knowledge, accountability, and leverage.

Specific knowledge is knowledge that you cannot be trained for. If society can train you, it can train someone else, and replace you.

Specific knowledge is found by pursuing your genuine curiosity and passion rather than whatever is hot right now.

Building specific knowledge will feel like play to you but will look like work to others.

Code and media are permissionless leverage. They're the leverage behind the newly rich. You can create software and media that works for you while you sleep.

An army of robots is freely available - it's just packed in data centers for heat and space efficiency. Use it.

If you can't code, write books and blogs, record videos and podcasts.

There is no skill called “business.” Avoid business magazines and business classes.

@naval Can you explain more deeply "Leverage is a force multiplier for your judgement."

@naval ·2.06.2018 г.

Judgement is making decisions. Leverage magnifies the consequences of those decisions. Invest $100 of your money or $10,000 of someone else’s. Work on a project for 1 year or work with a team of 10 on that project for a year. Advise a friend or advise many via Twitter.

Just listen!!!

Joe Rogan Experience #1309​ - Naval Ravikant - https://youtu.be/3qHkcs3kG44

За данните и сървърите

Retro-PC-Mania · https://www.facebook.com/retropcmaniaa/posts/

Случайни пожари няма. Някога са горили библиотеки, сега горят сървърни централи.
Това в една или друга степен се случва по цял свят, къде скрито, къде покрито. А това е само върхът на айсберга.
Голяма сигурност, а? Облакът, вместо компютър, сървър у дома, който да пази нещата много по-надеждно.

А и външният сървър, кой контролира сигурността и ненамесата в личният ви живот, работа? Моралният Бил Гейс, Apple, Google, Facebook... тези, които налагат цензура, за щяло и нещяло? Че ако не слушате, ще изгорите.
МОЯТ СЪВЕТ. По-стара работна станция, че тези с новите инструкции, са с инструкции за кражба и контрол. Тъй че Sandy, Ivy Bridge, в краен случай Haswell.
От два до четири твърди диска, от различни заводи, различни години. Сингапурски твърд, магнитен диск, и от Малайзия. Seagate, WD няма значение, в едни заводи ги правят.
Магнитните дискове са много по-корави от чипосаните. А чипосаните дискове напоследът горят като пуканки, щото не им обновявате фирмуера, или пък сте го обновили с неправилния.
Пазете си работата, данните, историята. Спасяването да давещият се е в хардуера на самият давещ се.
Този сървърен пожар няма да е нито последният, нито най-малкият. Ще има рев и сополи, които ще ви отвлекат от безумието навън.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021